kubeden –help (bio)
Dennis - a platforms engineer. Based in Bulgaria. 25yo.
I have been mainly in operations through the years and I do not feel confident in my programming skills but I somehow manage to write code that is often shipped to production.
My Interests:
- Platform Engineering: It’s just cool and I seem to be good at it.
- Programming: It’s way cooler but I am quite bad at it.
- AI/ML: Maybe I’m hype-blinded but this sh*t looks and feels super futuristic, almost magical.
- Writing: I just like sharing my views & having discussions with people online.
Technologies I consider myself proficient at:
- Kubernetes: ArgoCD, nginx-ingress-controller, cert-manager, external-secrets, external-dns, grafana, prometheus, velero, sealed-secrets
- Containerisation: Docker, Packer
- Infrastructure: Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL), Wind*ws Server, vSphere
- Infrastructure As Code: Terraform, Ansible, Pulumi
- Cloud: Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean
- CI/CD: Azure DevOps, Github Actions
- Scripting: BASH, Python
- probably more… will update in time
Technologies I worked with but do not consider myself proficient at:
- Databases: SQL, Supabase, Firebase, MongoDB, DynamoDB, CosmosDB
- Programming Languages: JavaScript (Node, React-Native, Next, various other libraries), TypeScript (mainly JS with an :any and that’s that), Python (mainly scripting), Go
- probably more… will update in time
My Projects:
- geeklore.io: A community platform, gamified with rpg elements. Features include badges, level & experience system, and a resume builder.
- globchess.com: A global chess board where anyone can make the next move in the form of a token. One token costs $1. I wrote a very very bad code though so I need to update it and deploy again.
- kubeden.io: My baby project and personal blog. Built entirely for my own satisfaction with Golang, hosted on an ArgoCD Kubernetes cluster with CI/CD enabled.
My Links:
- X/Twitter: x.com/@kuberdenis
- Youtube: yt.com/@kuberdenis